
Bedlinog Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Bedlinog


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Learning Themes

At Bedlinog Community Primary school, we want our Pupils to direct their own learning and to learn about the things that they are interested in. All pupils bring with them different ideas and interests and we want to ensure that we can explore this in school so that all Pupils enjoy what they are learning about and therefore engage with learning in a far better way. 


Our Learning Theme is the basis of what we will learn about in class but all our Pupils and Parents are given an opportunity to contribute to the planning process by giving their ideas about what they would like to learn about, or what skills they could offer us to support our Theme for the term. 


When discussing ideas with our learners, there are 6 different areas we aim to cover. At school we plan our tasks for the following 6 areas of learning;


  • Languages, literacy and Communication - These are tasks which are Literacy based which includes speaking and listening tasks, reading activities or writing tasks.
  • Mathematical Development - This is any task involving number and Mathematics skills; including graphs, time, money and shapes.
  • Science and Technology - This area covers investigation skills within Science, Design, as well as IT skills involving publishing, word processing, presenting and the use of coding and databases.
  • Humanities - This involves looking at historical And geographical aspects of the world (including Religious Education).
  • Creative Development - This area focuses on pupils creative skills including skills in art and design, music and drama.
  • Health and Wellbeing - This area focuses on pupils’ health & fitness, lifestyle and wellbeing. This includes physical exercise, healthy eating and developing social and citizenship skills.


Your child's teacher will inform you of their learning theme via the school app each term. They will also post an end of term Curriculum newsletter to celebrate all the fantastic learning that has taken place.  Please keep an eye out for these!
