What if there is disagreement?
Children and parent(s)/ carer(s) or young people will be involved in writing their IDP. Working in this way will provide opportunities to discuss concerns and enable issues to be addressed and settled at an early stage.
From time to time, disagreements can arise. The new ALN system and IDP process and the duty on schools and local authorities to consider the views, wishes and feelings of the child, parents or young person is intended to help overcome many disagreements. It is essential that problems are dealt with as quickly as possible and for children, young people and parent to have access to impartial information advice and support.
Where a concern regarding health or social care provision is raised, children and parent(s)/ carer(s) or young person will be able to discuss this with the health or social care professional. Where it would be beneficial for the local health board to be involved in avoiding and resolving disagreements within education, the local authority will contact the Designated Clinical Lead Officer (DECLO) for advice.
For children and parent(s)/ carer(s) or young person, there are a number of ways that can help prevent problems or misunderstandings arising as follows:
Talk to the school
Always speak to the school's Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCO) as soon as you have worries or concerns. At Bedlinog Community Primary School this is Mrs Allyson Jones. Share all the information you have about your child with the school and other professionals involved. They will:
Named officer within the local authority
If you disagree with a school or local authority decision on anything relating to your child’s ALN provision or placement you should contact a named officer at the local authority inclusion service. They can help you unpick problems, gather further information, provide advice and support and reconsider school decisions. All local authorities have named officers who will provide advice and support and can help by providing some of the following:
ALN Independent Information, Advice and Support - SNAP Cymru
You can also contact SNAP Cymru who provide impartial information, advice and support to help you:
Disagreement Resolution / Mediation
Sometimes it is difficult to reach an agreement. In this area, Independent Disagreement Resolution is provided by SNAP Cymru. The service can help young people, parent(s)/ carer(s) , schools, and the local education authority when there is a dispute about ALN decisions and ALN provision.
An experienced mediator will meet with parent(s)/ carer(s) and school or local education authority staff. The mediator does not take sides but will listen and find out what has been happening. The aim is to find a workable solution that everyone can agree with.
Children and parent(s)/ carer(s) or young people who want to know more about this service can speak to SNAP Cymru on 0808 801 0608 or email: DRS@snapcymru.org or for referral and more information on: DRS - https://www.snapcymru.org/mediation/
Disagreeing with Health provision
For disagreements related to health decisions and provision that have not been resolved through earlier discussions, you may use the “Putting things Right” process.
Education Tribunal Wales
If you have chosen to go through the mediation process and are still unhappy, you have a right to appeal to the Education Tribunal for Wales. The Tribunal is independent and will consider appeals when parents disagree with the local authority’s decisions.
An appeal can be made by a child, their parent(s)/ carer(s) or young person on the following:
If you do decide to appeal to the Education Tribunal, you should let the named officer within the local authority know as soon as possible and continue to discuss your concerns. SNAP Cymru can also help you continue to resolve your disagreement.