
Bedlinog Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Bedlinog


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Meeting the required Elements

From our Curriculum Design Work, we have established a Curriculum that meets the required elements of the Curriculum for Wales, whilst providing a rich and interesting knowledge base. We feel that our New Curriculum;


  • Enables learners to develop in the way described in the four purposes above
  • Provides for appropriate progression across the school, according to the principles of progression set out in the ‘Progression Code’
  • Is suitable for learners of differing ages, abilities and aptitudes
  • Is broad and balanced
  • Encompasses the concepts set out in the statements of what matters in the ‘Statement of What Matters Code’
  • Provides for learning and teaching that encompasses each of the Areas of Learning and Experience
  • Includes Welsh language development opportunities, RSE and RVE
  • Promotes Cross-Curricular skills